Since the military coup in Myanmar on 1 February 2021, a complex conflict landscape has emerged in the country. Besides the older Ethnic Armed Organisations (EAO), several new conflict actors have emerged, most prominently civilian armed militias and other local insurgent groups. There has been a steady uptick in attacks against the military regime across the country by these actors. Specific attacks have varied from full-fledged clashes between EAOs in ethnic regions to small-scale bomb attacks on regime targets in urban settings.
This dynamic map, created by a Myicol core team member, Angshuman Choudhury, tracks the various attacks in Myanmar since the coup. Event bubbles offer details of each attack, while the legend lays out the various types of offensives that have been identified so far. Sources include the creator’s own OSINT database that uses various open sources, the ACLED database and another conflict event database on Myanmar created by researcher Nathan Ruser (with permission). The data is updated three or four times a week.
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